Kitchen Counter Essentials – Cuisinart Citrus Juicer

Hi all,

I’m starting a new series on my blog on kitchen essentials – appliances, food tools, and pantry staples. I will post every Monday on a KCE. The first kitchen counter essential I want to write about is a citrus juicer. I have a food processor that had a citrus juicer attachment but in one of our apartment moves the juicer piece ended up misplaced. I juiced on almost a daily basis and really missed it these past few months!


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Simple French Toast

Hello my fellow travellers,

There is nothing better than waking up in the morning to the smell of coffee and warm french toast.

This recipe is versatile and if you wake up early enough for suhoor, you can whip a batch for your family members. Just make sure you also serve up some more protein like scrambled eggs for the long day of fasting.


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Oreo cake – chocolate loaded goodness!

Hello my fellow travellers,

Do I have a recipe for all you chocolate lovers out there! This cake is moist, kind of dense, and filled with oreo cream cheese frosting. I actually only had double stuffed oreos on hand, which made the frosting even creamier. I topped it all off with some leftover oreos and voila – a delicious chocolatey cake that went amazingly with a LARGE glass of cold milk.



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